
Friday, 24 June 2016

Rock climbing tour

It was Monday the 20th of June when Rimu was destined to do rock climbing. At first for me it was hard. I strolled to school at 8:40am only to find that this was the day that we were going, and to find that I was the only person who was in school uniform and I wasn't packed. So I scrambled home and got myself sorted and packed and came back to school just before they left also known as 8:55. Only this time I was sorted and ready to go.

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I was going with Miss Blair in her car along with Jesse, Gus and Jack. It was a talkative ride.
Once we had got to the top of summit road it was really misty and let’s just say, we were in the clouds! It was so cold and we were all thinking that it would be like this all day. But almost as soon as we started walking the cloud lifted and it was sunny! There was a very rocky track leading to where we were going. Steven one of our instructors showed us where we would be abseiling and Josh (the other instructor) showed us where we were climbing.

It was abseiling time and me and 4 others went. It looked cool and safe for everyone but me. And I was right in a way. Jo came down really good and he was followed by Isaac and he was followed by Zach. They all went down like it was easy! Now It was my time to shine. I slowly went down... when I slipped and smacked my head, legs and shoulder. It hurt so bad!  I gave up and went to rock climbing. I had one turn at this and went just less than halfway. Let’s just say that I hate heights!

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JPEG ImageThe day went better from there. I just kept exploring the place. Joe showed me this weird hut under the rock, and I almost overcame my fear. But to this day I still haven’t. Now it was time to go home and we took the track back to the cars. It seemed a lot shorter to get back. We were focusing on these values: Pride and Resilience and I think I did good on both of those, because I tried again after my big knock/fall.

But in the end I thought it was fun even though it was for school!

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