I will put in my box poem.
I will put into my box,
Rushing water from the Waimakariri river,
A ball that goes into a basket,
The growling lava of a Volcano,
I will put into my box,
A Dreamless Dream that is a reality,
The leaves of a silver fern,
The glow of the full moon at night,
I will put into my box,
The biggest pounamu stone in the whole of Aotearoa,
The best smelling chips in the whole world,
The sound of waves crashing on the beach like a Metal door closing,
I will put into my box,
The sweetest lollie in the world,
The fastest Porsche Carrera that is as fast as a jet,
A Broken Bike Brake,
My Box is fashioned from polished timber that has been glued together to make a wonderful glow, it has model cars on the lid and can sit anyway you want it.
I shall drive in my box
The fastest car in the world, along the world's longest race track for all eternity, to get faster and faster every time.